This year marks the 30th anniversary of Nick Lowe's
Jesus of Cool record. For the occassion,
Yep Roc Records is reissuing the album on CD and vinyl. It will include all of the tracks from the original UK album as well as the different tracks from the US edition, which in typical lame major label record company fashion was retitled
Pure Pop for Now People. It will also have seven bonus tracks. And another nice bonus for those who pre-order the record from Yep Roc will be four additional MP3s. Two of the MP3s will come from Nick's side project Tartan Horde ("Bay City Rollers We Love You" and "Allorollo"). The other two songs are from his Disco Brothers side project ("Let's Go to the Disco" and "Everybody Dance"). I'm assuming that if you don't get in on the pre-order that the MP3s will become available as 99 cent downloads from the Yep Roc store eventually as that is what they have done in the past. But, you never can be certain. Of course you could always get a hold of
The Wilderness Years compilation which has those same songs (I'm guessing they are the same versions). More info at
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