For some time now some of the big box retailers have been able to get exclusive bonus tracks for CD releases and occasionally exlusive releases. But, lately it seems that Best Buy has been ramping up their exlusive releases. Case in point, the new Police CD/DVD set. Best Buy supported the reunion tour last year and this fall they are the exclusive distributor in the U.S. for the 2DVD/2CD live release called
Certifiable. One DVD and the 2CDs will contain the Buenos Aires, Argentina show from their reuinion tour. And the second DVD will contain a 50 minute feature called "Better than therapy" which documents the reunion. That isn't the only upcoming exlusive for Best Buy. They will also be the sole US distributor for the GNR release of
Chinese Democracy. And they've also put out exlusive DVDs for Elton John, the Rolling Stones, Poison, and a documentary on the Beatles/Cirque du Soleil production of
Love. So, while the record industry continues to complain about declining sales, it seems odd that they are giving Best Buy exlusive distribution for music releases while other indie stores and music outlets are being ignored completely for some new releases. Oh wait, I guess they all aren't being ignored, Wal-Mart did get the exclusive release of the new AC/DC album.
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