Not soul ... Plimsoul!

The CD contains four more songs than the LP most likely so that it didn't need to be double LP. Tracks only on the CD include the covers; 'Dizzy Miss Lizzy', 'New Orleans', 'Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!' and 'Run Run Run/Who Do You Love?' And a few of those songs include guest appearances by members of The Fleshtones. It was Halloween after all.
Two of the songs have actually appeared before on the very limited fan club cassette release entitled 'Green Tambourines.' They are 'New Orleans,' a Gary U.S. Bonds song and a cover of the Kinks 'Come On Now.' I still have my copy of that cassette, which is #130. The cassette had a number of live covers and one demo 'Memory' that came out on the Rhino release 'Plimsouls ...Plus.' Hopefully the fan club tape is next on Alive's agenda of Peter Case re-releases as my tape isn't in that great of shape.